A Different Perspective on Immigration
Today's blog post will be a departure from the normal focus on issues pertaining to high school student-athletes and coaches in order to take a unique look at a woman struggling to make her way in our community. Recently it’s become a pleasure to make acquaintances with a young woman who has been a student in the English Language Learner (ELL) class I’ve been teaching at a local non-profit. She is definitely a Winner in the Game of Life. So what makes somebody a winner? The answer, in part involves overcoming difficult, some would say impossible, situations in order to maximize one’s life potential. Consider the following facts about this young woman… She was brought to the United States from a Southeast Asian nation to be an older man’s wife while still a minor. This is, of course, a thinly veiled and all too common form of human trafficking, child prostitution, and modern-day slavery. After a short period of time she bore a daughter to this man who ...