Two Types of School Employees
Monday my boss at East High School said something which I will remember for a long time and hopefully will influence me every day of this school year. The statement was simple, yet profound. “There are two types of school employees: Teachers and people who support teachers.” Wow! Let's just unpack this a little bit. The first thing to note is just the fact that teachers are rockstars . Every day students come to our building from every conceivable circumstance. Many of our young people do not get enough to eat or get enough restful sleep at night, have not been lovingly nurtured through childhood, are still learning English and acclimating to a new country, have a parent who is not participating in their upbringing, or have spent too much of the previous evening working at a job. Even the students who are raised in idyllic households are still dealing with the ambivalence and overwhelming stressors of young adulthood. The teachers who greet each day them...