Leading with Laughter

“Laugh a little. And teach your men to laugh. Show good humor under fire. War is a game played with a smile. If you cannot smile, grin. If you cannot grin, then stay out of the way until you can.”Lt. Winston Churchill Speaking to fellow junior officers during a difficult period of World War I (1916)

While certainly not nearly as grim as war, last season for the East High Scarlets boys basketball team was extremely trying. The most important factor which kept us moving on day after day was the enduring character and good spirit of our seniors.

Katrell Graham was by far the guy most responsible for us having fun every day.

If he had been in Churchill’s battalion, he would have been leading the other men with a healthy dose of humor in the dreary trenches along the Western Front. Every day, regardless of the circumstances, Katrell would be making people smile, occasionally with little jokes, but usually just by being himself.

On our team he made both players and coaches feel at ease, even when we were facing the always insurmountable odds. His smile and laughter were infectious. He always made the daily grind easier to take. 

The best thing about Katrell’s sense of humor was he never ever had fun at someone else’s expense. Biting sarcasm and putdowns are just not part of his make up. He always laughed with and not ever at anyone.

Make no mistake, Katrell was not just a jester, he was also an elite, competitive athlete. Over his four years at East, he played varsity football, basketball, track, and baseball. Every time the contest started, he was there to win. In basketball, Katrell was an undersized post player who always gave up height, but never gave up in heart. We’re just sorry we were never able to find a way as a team to get over the hump and win for him and the other seniors.

Katrell is also a great family man! Many times Katrell was in a position of not only having to take care of responsibilities in school, basketball, and his part-time job; he was also in charge of watching after his cute pre-school aged brother. We never heard him whine, complain, or make excuses.

That is character.

Like all of our graduates, much better times lie ahead for Katrell. In just a few weeks, he leaves to begin his service to our nation in the United States Navy. After the demanding obligations of recruit training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center near Chicago, it will be off to the rigorous naval advanced individual training in Pensacola, Florida. After that, it’s out to sea and a life of many adventures.

The one and only true purpose of high school sports is to be a training ground for life. Winning games and championship is the icing on the cake, but it is not the real reason for being a member of the team. Katrell’s time as an East High Scarlet will in ways large and small help him overcome the challenges of military service as well as every challenge which life will undoubtedly bring.

He’s a winner in the game of life!


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